Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Survey

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is a field of research that studies how a person's genetic makeup affects their response to medications. PGx testing provides information that can help identify the drugs and doses that are most likely to work for an individual patient. The Precision Medicines and Genetic Services unit of the Ministry of Health’s Therapeutic Assessment and Access Branch has prepared a survey to better understand the experiences and requirements of pharmacogenomics education and awareness among health care providers. This survey will serve as a foundation to which an education and awareness campaign will build upon. This survey is voluntary and a response is encouraged, not required. Please do not provide any third-party information (i.e., talk about others) in your responses to the survey. We value the feedback of all healthcare providers in this initiative. If you have any questions please contact us at

Survey adapted from “Experience, Knowledge, and Perceptions of Pharmacogenomics among Healthcare Professionals in Alberta Hospitals” Meagan Hayashi, Chad A Bousman


Personal information is collected for the purpose of PGx education and Awareness by the Ministry of Health’s, Therapeutic Assessment and Access Branch, Pharmaceutical, Laboratory & Blood Services Division and Ministry of Health’s Innovation Branch, Strategic Innovation Division, under s. 26 (c) & (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please be aware that any personal information in connection with your response to the survey is stored in British Columbia at the Ministry of Health. For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact:

Erin Rohl
Senior Analyst, Collaborative Innovation
1515 Blanshard
Victoria, BC V8W 3C8
778 405-3227

Pharmacy (Basel) 2022 Oct 26;10(6):139.doi: 10.3390/pharmacy10060139

  • Current 1st section: Professional and Educational Background
  • 2nd section: Knowledge and experience with pharmacogenomics
  • 3rd Section: Preferred Experience with Pharmacogenomics
  • Complete
1. Please choose your profession:
2. How many years have you been practicing in the profession you identified at the beginning of this survey?
3. What clinical area do you specialize in?
4. Are you working in:
5. Are you ready to participate and champion an initiative in pharmacogenomics education?